New Patient Information

Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to fill out required paperwork. Alternatively, print out the new patient paperwork which can be found below, and bring with you to your first appointment. We strive to see all our patients in a timely and efficient manner. Arriving late for your appointment is disruptive and inconsiderate of the other patients in the clinic. If you arrive 15 minutes after your scheduled time, we may be forced to reschedule your appointment.


  • Completed new patient packet / registration forms
  • Driver’s License / identification card
  • Primary and secondary insurance card (when applicable)
  • A complete list of your medical problems, your surgical history, and all current medications.

The first visit is a CONSULTATION ONLY. No medication will be prescribed at the first visit. Please ensure the prescribing provider has given you enough medication until your next follow-up with them.

We do NOT prescribe high dose opiates. Also, we do NOT prescribe benzodiazepines. We want to help manage your pain from a multidisciplinary approach. If you are currently prescribed high dose opiates or a combination of opiates and sedatives, which can be dangerous, we can help you wean down in a safe and controlled manner if indicated. If you are unwilling to adjust your medication, then we will be unable to provide adequate care or treat you in accordance with the best medical knowledge, and we may not be the best doctor for you.

This is a Multidisciplinary and Interventional Pain Management clinic. Our goal is to use procedural interventions to minimize and, if possible, eliminate opiate dependence.